Hello! And welcome to my blog! My name is Fernanda and I’m a student at Wakefield High School.

I hope you are mentally prepared for what you are about to read and continue reading! Also, thank you for choosing to listen to what I have to say in my blog! I’ll try my best to describe the experiences that I had.

 I am writing this blog about my life and to show you what some people have to go through, to be able to have a “better future”, more specifically the pressures of being a Latina in modern America and in Mexico. Keep in mind that this is my point of view only, please do not assume everyone goes through the same hardships that I went through.

Nowadays a lot of parents assume that because you have a roof over your head and food on the table that’s the only thing that you need. It’s obviously incorrect, you also need someone who can protect you and whom you know you’ll be safe around them; you need a place that you are used to and feel safe; you also need someone who gives you attention and hears those happy or sad stories that you need to tell someone because you feel like you are drowning. You need that and a lot more. Why? Just because you are a human being and that’s what it should be given to you by birth.

Well, that’s what I learned here, in the United States. In Mexico, they don’t teach you that. They don’t teach kids that there are more options in the world than just doing things well and receiving gifts or if you do something bad you’ll get beaten a couple times, or until the person who is educating you gets tired. But it does not mean that every family does that. That’s what some kids learn, the schools don’t teach that, it’s the family, the family that is supposed to protect you and make you feel safe teaches you that.

I’m not trying to say that every single day is like that, of course not. There are also good times, good times that stick in your mind for the rest of your life. Like everywhere else in the world, every family is different and every family has different beliefs and cultures,. The same happens in Mexico and in other Latin American countries. For ex; “machismo” has been passed around in decades and in some families, it’s still there.

I will show you both sides of the same coin. Yes, Latinos are loud and nice and friendly and forgiving, but they are also strict, overwhelming, stressful, and perfectionists. We are like that, and I’m including myself because I’m also like that, but coming here to the United States has shown me that I can change and that I have a voice.

So, I’ll show you how I became a better person for my own sake and my future.

Thank you for taking you time to start reading my blog dear reader, I hope that you enjoy it and that it can help you view the world from another perspective.